
Spring Fling Final Topic of the Week

Well, I've missed a few, but here's the last topic:

We'll go free form this week - Post about your WIPs, post about your package, post about the weather where you are - just be sure to include that the post is for the Spring Fling Weekly Topic somewhere inside it when you tell us it's there! I'd lovhin to hear how folks are enjoying the goodies they received, if they have, or how much fun you had shopping for your pal!

So here it is... my current WIP is a sock! Thank you, Lindsey-Jane for the yarn & the inspiration. It's coming together very quickly, considering what little time I have to knit! The next project up is a pair of legwarmers for a certain friend who is accomplishing something big this June.

As for the swap, I had a BLAST shopping for my pal and have had to cut myself off just so I can pay the bills! It should be out in the mail tomorrow as I almost have the hand made portion finished - I was going to just buy something but then, I had an idea and HAD to go with it. Of course, that idea changed from one thing (too hard) to something else, but I think it's gonna be good. I'm going to get the package together tomorrow and see if it needs anything else before I send it out.

OK that's all!!!!


Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I have had alot of fun putting mine together also and reading others blogs and seeing what neat projects everyone is knitting:)Hugs Darcy