Here's a photo of Julie's leg warmers, which should be arriving any day now, that I finished last week! It's been a bit slow. I hope you like it!
In other news, I've completely botched up the sock that I've been working on for the past, um, 5 months? Yeah, that's right, one sock. It's only been intermittent, so....
I'm working on Jen's hat right now, promised to her at xmas time and I'm about to embarq on a hat for someone special that I've found through Wish Upon a Hero
That's all for now!!
Finally, an FO!!!!
Posted by Kat at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Busy times!
Summer is officially here & times have gotten, as always, busier.
Lily & I went to California in June to visit Julie, who graduated with her MFA in choreography (GO JULIE!!!). While there, Lily was awed by the dancers:
Of course, while we were so close to Anaheim, we HAD to go
to Disneyland!
Lily had a great time....
This month, Lily learned how to CRAWL, wave, clap, and hold her own bottle. Truly, this is way too much to learn in just one month! She's getting to be such a big girl now.
In other busy news, my friend, Joanna, who lives outside Manchester, England, came to visit us!
While she was here, we had a blast and we miss her now (especially Stella.) We went to the Bronx Zoo with her and visited their newest exhibit, Madagascar - Joanna has been to the real Madagascar and she showed us just where she'd been:Some other photos from the Zoo:
We saw some CRAZY things at the zoo.
Oh and for my brother in law and all other fans of the Disney movie, Madagascar, we saw this:
I didn't see it, but poo had been flung.
Go Gorillas! You tell those people who's boss!
Posted by Kat at 7:32 AM 1 comments