Kate has been begun. There she is. She's my first toy and she's my winter blah buster for my cocoa swap recipient. I hope she likes it!!! I also hope that I finish it this week, because it has to be sent out - yipes!
In other news...
Cocoa Swap Topic #4:
What is the most memorable vacation I've been on?
You're about to be a little sorry you asked!
No, not really.
The best vacation ever was Paris with my husband. It was only 3 days, but it was amazing! We had such a good time, forgot all of our cares and ate LOTS of pastries!!!!

Posted by Kat at 8:58 PM 3 comments
Labels: Knitting
Blog Talkin'
Here's the weekly topic for the Cocoa Swap...Weekly Topic #3
This weeks topic:
What is the most 'random' memory you have from your childhood?
I don't have a lot of memories from childhood; I have no idea why, from all the stories I've heard, it seems like it was a good one. I have more sensual memories than anything else - the smell of our clean laundry (laundry detergent and cigarettes because my mom smoked), the smell of my Nonna's house (a little musty but also sweet, like the honey she would drizzle on our zeppoles,), the feeling of heat on my cheek when I got too close to the fireplace, the taste of my mother's hand as she turned the pallet separator I had to wear, before I could get braces, the sight of staring out my window on Easter morning before my brother and sister could rush in there, to see if I could get a sneak peak at where the bunny had hidden his eggs...
Posted by Kat at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Swaps
An FO!!
For the non-knitters, the title would mean FINISHED OBJECT!!!!! Woo hoo!!!
Here's Julie's gift (Julie, turn your eyes!!!)
Posted by Kat at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Knitting
Hot Cocoa Swap Topic of the Week #2
So, as you know by now; I am participating in a knitting swap; they have topics that we can blog about and be entered in a contest - I'm all about contests! I always lose, but I LOVE to participate :)
Here's the topic:
Now that we're in the thick of 'Winter'... has your knitting changed to match the season? Are you moving on from dishcloths, and tank tops to afghans, hats and mittens? Has your yarn changed from silk or cotton to wool, superwash or heavier cottons?
Here's my response:
All right, this isn't all that thrilling... I, so far, have only been *able* to knit certain things, so I've been knitting hats since the middle of the summer. :( I'm also just starting to learn about the world of yarns, so I always just knit what feels good! Yesterday I started knitting a Calorimetry in a lovely DK Alpaca from Plymouth, finished a hat, and a baby blanket out of some terry cloth like yarn. It's really soft!
So, yeah, that was really exciting wasn't it?
Since that was boring; here's a photo.
Doesn't that look yummy?
If you want some, send me a message and I'll put you in touch with the fabulous pastry chef who makes them!
Posted by Kat at 10:55 AM 2 comments
Labels: Swaps
New Look
I'm not sure I like it.
What do you think?
I'm pretty sure only one person reads my blog, but one opinion is better than none!
Here's a photo, too. (why not?)
Posted by Kat at 11:12 PM 2 comments
I finally finished Nick's Christmas gift! Now, just 3 more gifts to go (thanks for your patience, Julie, Neus & Celine!)
BTW, that's my husband modeling Nick's hat whilst I wait for Nick to retrieve his hat.
Posted by Kat at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Knitting
Jumping off the side vs. taking the steps
My afternoon at Modern Yarn...
John was invited by a friend, Mike, who is dating Lynn, to a comic book art exhibit in Montclair. What a great idea, I thought, Lynn & I can hang out at Modern Yarn and knit some and maybe purchase a few things.
WELL, after looking at all the scrumptious yarns, I decided that this was the year I would learn socks. The owner got wind of that and casually mentioned a sock class that would be taking place Tuesday (yes, that's tomorrow!) I thought, I'll never be ready. THEN, I recalled my secret pal for the Cocoa Swap saying that socks weren't that hard and that I shouldn't be afraid of the teeny tiny needles, so I thought, why not? (Looking at all the delicious Koigu sock yarn didn't hurt, either!) So, tomorrow (hopefully with Lynn,) I will be learning how to knit socks! It's very exciting - here's the yarn I picked out:
It was a lot of fun and the people at Modern Yarn are very nice and very helpful - if you're in the area, go check them out and don't forget to have dessert at Raymond's, a few doors down, because my hubby is the consulting pastry chef there and they are WONDERFUL!!!!!! (Esp. the sticky toffee pudding).
Posted by Kat at 10:49 AM 2 comments
Labels: Knitting
Scavenger Hunt!
Scavenger Hunt for Hot Cocoa Swap.
1. Who's favorite animal is an Otter?
Anne K.
2. Name someone who prefers whipped cream with their hot cocoa
Angela T
3. Find 3 people who live outside of the United States
Angie H., Bianca B., Amanda R.
4. Name a fan of Harry Potter
Angela A-H
5. Name someone who crochets
Angela A-H
6. Name someone who DOES NOT have a healthy supply of notions
Katherine S.
7. Name someone who has NOT put up their questionnaire yet (just put a date with your answer in case they put it up after seeing their name listed somewhere ;-) )
AnneMarie M.
8. Who likes to have Kahlua, Baileys, or Peppermint Schnapps in their cocoa?
Deb W.
9. Name someone who knits fingerless gloves as a 'quick knit'
Cindy F.
10.Name someone who's looking forward to gardening this spring.
Amanda D.
11.Who's favorite way to drink cocoa is with a gorgeous Frenchman, while overlooking the eiffel tower from a French Cafe? (I'm right there with you... well at the table next to yours!)
Kris L.
12.Name someone who's favorite animal is NOT a dog or house cat
Anne K.
13. Name someone who's favorite treat is NOT chocolate.
Angela A-H
14. Who plays Candyland?
15. Name someone who DOESN'T get the winter blahs
Katherine S.
Posted by Kat at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Swaps
Cocoa Swap!!!
Here's the questionnaire for the cocoa swap - how exciting!!!
1. What is your favorite way to drink cocoa? Prepared with milk? Water? from home made recipe or store bought?, In a tea cup, or big mug?
I like my cocoa made with milk, store bought or home made in a big mug. My favorite is my big, purple, tinkerbell mug.
2. Marshmallows or whipped cream?
Why not both? IF I had to choose, def. marshmallows!!
1. What is your favorite type of yarn? In what colors?
I haven't found a favorite type yet, though I do like alpaca. I have no color prejudice except yellow and maybe orange, but some oranges are ok. No yellows are ok. I have no idea why I don't like that color, I just don't!
2. Do you knit or crochet (or both)?
3. What are your favorite type of needles, would you like to try something new?
I just got a pair of Lantern Moon hardwood needles (a christmas gift to myself) and I can't wait to try them out. I don't really have any favorites yet and always love to try new things!
4. Do you have a healthy supply of notions?
I have hardly any notions!
5. What one thing do you keep thinking you need to buy for your knitting habit (outside of yarn)?
More sizes of DNS and a bag to take my project to my weekly knitting group.
6. What is your favorite 'quick knit/crochet' pattern (quick gratification)
Just a simple hat. I adore hats.
1. What is your favorite thing to do in the Winter?
Play in the snow, when there is any. Snuggle up in a blanket and watch movies (and drink cocoa...maybe a glass of wine)
2. What is your favorite animal?
Favorite domestic animal is a dog, favorite farm animal is a goat (no idea why) and favorite wild animal is a cheetah.
3. Do you get the 'winter blahs'?
Not really, but sometimes I get plain old any time of the year blahs.
4. What is your favorite way to beat the blahs?
Take a bath, put loud music on and dance, eat chocolate.
5. What is the thing you are most looking forward to this spring?
Taking my 2 month old to see the iris' in Montclair, NJ.
6. What are your favorite treat?
Chocolate via cookies or brownies. Or dark chocolate pretzels on the salty side.
7. What is your favorite board game?
8. Do you have any children (furry or human)?
1 furry - 3 year old Stella, a Westie/Yorkie mix and 1 human - 2 month old Lily.
9. Do you have any allergies or special considerations you partner should know about?
I don't like nuts with my sweets. In fact, I'm not much of a nut fan at all, but, oddly, I do enjoy peanut butter with chocolate.
Posted by Kat at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Swaps
Happy New Year!
I have some long awaited photos of holiday gifts - I still have to add some more.... but there it is! That's my brothers in law and my sister with their knitted goods. I still have 3 more to get photos of and, sadly, some more to finish! And, um, start... good thing I have Lily as a great excuse ;)
I'm very excited to hear back from the Mmm Hot Cocoa Swap, that will be VERY fun to participate in!!
Lily's baptism is this week & I've got to go make cookies for the favor/centerpieces. I'll post some pics of them next time I blog.
Posted by Kat at 1:35 PM 0 comments